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AorA Health

Within the health industry we all have a very similar goal, be fitter, healthier and look good on the beach. So if we all have the same goals, how do some succeed and others fail?

James Clear (Atomic Habits) says "it's not the goal that determines the outcome, it's the process"

Fad diets exist because people like shiny things, they see the skinny model and want to mirror them. But, where some succeed and others fail is their process.

Going from diet to diet with little thought of how it will fit into your life is the crux of the problem. A diet isn't just about how much suffering you can sustain, it's how it fits into your life. How often you go out, how often you like a Saturday night curry..

Each of these play a huge role in any diet you pick, cutting them out will just make the suffering harder.

Losing a lot of weight is hard, so is gaining a lot of muscle, the absolute key is consistency. Trust a process. Find someone you trust (I'm not saying it's me) and put your faith in them. Stick with it.

In Adele's case the process took years, it's the same for Olympians. It's not the first brick that made the house, but a solid layer of foundations built upon with consistency and discipline and you can't go wrong.

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