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December's head spin.

AorA Health

Christmas and the holidays are rapidly approaching and this was going to be another fitness related post about not fearing the period and enjoying yourself whilst getting right back on track as quick as possible.


There is also a far darker side to the Christmas and holiday period. It's actually a misconception but it highlights so many issues within the male & female psyche that it's good to try to talk about it.

The misconception: Suicide rates are highest during the Christmas & Holiday period.

Whilst this isn't true it opens the door for a conversation about ingrained belief and how simple, pithy headlines harbouring outdated beliefs play havoc within the health industry and the "new year, new me" inevitable outpouring come January should be avoided.

I'm just a personal trainer with a mental health obstacle that I deal with.

I'm not alone - 1in 4 of us deal with this on a day to day basis. How does the pithy headline read? "Do this exercise to cure your anxiety", "eat this for a healthier outlook", "come January do this for a new you". Whilst it might be well meaning, it disregards the battle sufferers have faced to even get out of bed - let alone get to the gym full of people!

So why am I saying this? - To support not just the 1/4 of us. But all of us.

Januaries new year new me can do one. I don't want a new me. I would like to be carefree and be able to get on with my day without being wrapped up in an internal battle. Every Day.

You can go to the gym, you can eat the right things but if you don't deal with the shit going on inside your head, you will unravel at the seams.

So this December why not start to work on basic mental health exercises to help enforce positive narrative within your head. Start to create a strong resilient mindset helping you to overcome the pressures that life can throw at you.

Exercise and nutrition are integral to a healthy being, so is your mind.

If you are affected by any of the issues discussed in this article here are a few places that can help.

I have also personally used the app Headspace and DARE.

We are a dedicated personal training & small group studio in Whitchurch, Hampshire. We work with our community to help create healthy minds and healthy bodies equipped to deal with life.

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