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Prioritise Yourself

AorA Health

Jobs, relationships, life all want a bit of you. Each and every time you say yes to someone else you deny that time for yourself. So ensuring you have the right environment around you, spending time doing things you want to do and being in relationships that you want to be in (this is both platonic and romantic) enables you to cultivate a positive headspace for you to grow.

Carol Dwek talks about the growth mindset and that's something we firmly buy into at AorA health. The growth of an individual comes from both physical and mental health, neglecting one is negates the other. By prioritising yourself and therefore your time, you take control of the environments you're putting yourself into, you create habits to truly grow and you allow yourself the freedom to be your best self.

Our studio in Whitchurch, Hampshire is all about that growth mindset. Our community often start out on the premise of exercise but quickly buy into the priority mindset. It's not selfish to spend time making yourself better. "It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be" Marianne Williamson

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