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The Weight Loss Journey

AorA Health

Never truer a phrase for fat loss has been sung than that of Simon and Garfunkel's lament on love in the "long and winding road". The journey is just that, long, winding a full of frustrations and little wins.

Taking teas, shakes and magic pills is an easy way to part with your money, spend 2hrs on the toilet and end up in exactly the same position as you started. There is no magic pill, just the journey.

We love a quick fix in an era of immediacy. Order a taxi to your location or a McDonalds to your door. Gone is the walk or the physical expenditure to get where you want. All this plays a part in where we are with our weight loss journey. We want something quick, we want it easy and we want it now.

Weight loss isn't a quick fix, it's taken x amount of years to get to the point in a persons life where they want to lose weight. The long and winding road begins and we start with a positive mindset and an understanding that whilst it doesn't have to be torture in anyway, a calorie deficit is what's required to lose weight.

Take your TDEE (calculator in my bio, @aorahealth) and from here you decide how much you want to restrict. 20% would be a medium deficit and will still allow you the trappings of a Sunday roast without restricting much.

Time is of the essence, with a 20% deficit it will take weeks / months to get to where you want to be. But, it won't be at the sacrifice of seeing your friends, not eating out and not enjoying your food due to restricting what you eat.

Lot's more information on what we offer and how it can benefit you on our website.



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